So I thought I would start from the beginning...
So this was little me. Probably about 4/5. I had really thick blonde hair. It was so unmanageable my hair stayed this length for a long time. I have also been a dancer my whole life so my hair stayed pretty simple throughout my youth for it to be easy to put up into buns.
Skip forward to when I was 14 and this was me.
I still had no layers and nothing really, As dance was such a big part of my life my hair stayed simple with no layers. Boring, I know.
When I started to go into my older teen years I decided to go for a change which was big for me as I never had anything fancy done. I took it slowly and went from the picture above to this
then to this
I got layers and a fringe and it slowly went from shoulder length to a bob - a really short shaved neck at the back bob. I did like it when I had time to straighten it but when I was in a rush or had to go dancing it was the biggest pain of my life. I remember crying some days because it was just too short and there was literally nothing I could do with it.
So I decided to grow it back, It has only taken me till now to get it to the length it used to be when i was 14, i'm now almost 20. Ever since the bob incident, I've been terrified of getting my hair cut just incase they cut too much off.
This was me at the start of my 1st year of uni and this is me now
I think its grown the most over uni than it ever has which I find strange as to be honest, I have only had one haircut this year.
I rarely straighten my hair now, I think its half laziness and half because I don't want to damage my hair anymore. This is my natural colour and natural style. All I do is let it dry and done. Easy.
I rarely have it up now, probably because I've had to have it up the majority of my life, if I do, its a big bun on top of my head.
I think i'm the happiest I've been with my hair so far in my life and I'm happy keeping it the way it is for a while now.
Have you had any hair disasters?
lots of love